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Body CAD Retirement Party Pictures!

     The Retirement Party on September 20, 2018, was a great success!  We were fortunate to have our very own Dave Baerlin take ph...

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Retirement Party for Body CAD Retirees!!

We are planning a Retirement Party on Thursday, September 20, 2018, due to the large number of Body CAD employees retiring this year!  Save the d...

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UAW President Rory L. Gamble’s Statement on FCA Restart Date Announcement

“The UAW has and continues to have dialogue with all of our employers and employment sectors about the safety and security surrounding reopening worksites. In the case of the Big 3, through the Task Force we have had an ongoing dialogue and we have supported a number of measures put in place to address Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines from FCA, GM and Ford to protect our health and safety in the plant. Our volunteer members and the companies have done great work to reconfigure plants to achieve this safety goal.

Read More UAW President Rory L. Gamble’s Statement on FCA Restart Date Announcement

Statement from UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Ford Protocols

“We continue to engage in talks with Ford on an ongoing basis regarding protocols for the health and safety of our members in the workplace. The UAW is asking for as much testing as is possible to prevent exposure to the virus. That said, we also understand that the availability and accuracy of tests are fluid, developing issues as we navigate this crisis. ..

Read More Statement from UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Ford Protocols

COVID-19 has impacted all of us. Union Plus can help.

Our Union Plus program partners have accommodations for members struggling during this public health crisis. Participants in our Union Plus Mortgage, Credit Card, Personal Loan, or Supplemental Insurance programs may be eligible for additional hardship assistance through the Union Plus Mortgage Assistance Program and Union Plus Hardship Help. Visit and follow Union Plus on Facebook at for ongoing program updates and resources.

Read More COVID-19 has impacted all of us. Union Plus can help.

UAW lends helping hand to Detroit’s Feeding the Frontlines

The brave men and women who are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis are getting a little help from a group of dedicated Detroiters who got together to deliver daily meals to these hardworking frontline responders. The UAW has supported the project with a donation of $25,000.

Read More UAW lends helping hand to Detroit’s Feeding the Frontlines

Labor Voices - Opinion: UAW members support community

When UAW members pledge to support each other, they do not mean just fellow UAW members. The sense of brotherhood and sisterhood is not only about working conditions, fair wages and benefits for UAW members — it’s about supporting the whole community, ensuring healthy lives and doing our part as a family of people creating rewarding lives in this country and around the world. Nothing could illustrate this fact more than the thousands of UAW members who have volunteered to work around the clock with companies in every sector to manufacture much-needed medical equipment during this time of crisis. Read more on >>>

Read More Labor Voices - Opinion: UAW members support community

COVID-19 Update 4/28/2020

My Brothers and Sisters, Today, on Workers Memorial Day, we recognize all of the UAW family members whom we have lost to workplace incidents, the COVID-19 pandemic and a tragic mass shooting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin earlier this year. It is always important for us to mark the loss of any of our brothers and sisters, but in the extraordinary days and weeks of this global crisis, our losses seem even more poignant. On behalf of myself and the entire International Executive Board, we extend our heartfelt sympathies to the families, friends and communities of these brothers and sisters.

Read More COVID-19 Update 4/28/2020