Cedar Point Tickets
Listed below are the locals that have Cedar Point tickets. Please call the local for pricing and availability.
Cedar Point Ticket Information... Local Union, Ticket Dates and Phone Numbers.
·Local 7 8/27 to 9/2
2600 Conner St, Detroit, MI 48215
(313) 882-1744 ext 3
.Local 140 7/16 to 7/29
23345 Pinewood St, Warren, MI 48091
(586) 756-9300
.Local 245 2 Day Passes Only
(313) 561-7500
·Local 723 8/27 to 9/2
281 Detroit Ave, Monroe, MI 48162
(734) 241- 6320 ext 321
·Local 869 8/6 to 8/12
24257 Mound Rd, Warren, MI 48091
(586) 755-3300 ext 6
·Local 931 8/20 to 8/26
17000 Oakwood, Allen Park, MI 48101
(248) 345-4413
·Local 1284 7/22 to 8/4
2795 S Michigan 52, Chelsea, MI 48118
(734) 475-5434
·Local 6000 8/11 to 8/18
3350 N Grand River Ave, Lansing, MI 48906
(517) 484-6000 ext 215