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Stand Up 2024 UAW

Our Campaign to Defeat Donald Trump

In 2024, we stand at a crossroads as a nation, and as the working class. The UAW is fighting for a government that works for workers, and against a billionaire class that wants to take back the White House, Congress, and our society as a whole. Get involved in our campaign to defeat Donald Trump and fight for a government that works for workers.

Take Action

Tell Stellantis: Keep the Promise to America!

Last year, Big Three automaker Stellantis promised to invest in America and reopen the Belvidere Assembly plant in Illinois. Now Stellantis is trying to go back on that promise.

WE STAND WITH STELLANTIS WORKERS and call on the company to reopen Belvidere and keep good jobs here in America.


Tell Congress: Support the Tax Credit for Union-Made Electric Vehicles made in the U.S.

The tax credit of an additional $4,500 for union-made electric vehicles made in the U.S. is a win for UAW members, unorganized autoworkers, and the entire labor movement. The provision:

  • Supports the high standards in wages, benefits, and safety that UAW members have bargained for in the auto industry
  • Incentivizes nonunion companies to stop spending millions on union busters and to allow their workers to form their unions freely
  • Encourages U.S. auto manufacturers to bring back jobs they offshored

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