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Education Council

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UAW Region 1A Education Advisory Council


The mission of the Council is to secure and improve the standard of living, working conditions, and social justice for ALL workers, and to continue to educate, organize, and strengthen the unity of our members; to fight for issues that affect them within the workplace, local community, and political forums; to dedicate ourselves to mentoring, leadership development, and social events focused on upward mobility of our union’s growth. 

The aforementioned mission will be achieved through this Council’s efforts to educate, support and grow Local Union Education Committees.

The Council will work to create opportunity for the development of future leaders and of the membership as a whole, as well as UAW families and the community at large.

The Council will provide content, direction and structure in an effort to optimize, empower and grow education programs in UAW Region 1A.

  1. GOALS
  • To identify education & training opportunities for members at all levels.

  • To educate members, families, and communities regarding the benefits of unionism.

  • To create an annual survey of the membership of Region 1A to assess educational needs.

  • To assist local unions in Region 1A in building functioning and trained Education Committees.

  • To identify and implement new tools and avenues to educate members and assist local unions.

  • To assist with organizing efforts and other activities which further the interests of our union.

  • To identify scholarship opportunities for members and their dependents.

  • To work with Region 1A CAP Councils to develop legislation that makes labor education a priority.

  • Strengthen and build solidarity within our union and in our worksites.



For more information on joining a Region 1A Council please click HERE