Body CAD Retirement Party Pictures!
The Retirement Party on September 20, 2018, was a great success! We were fortunate to have our very own Dave Baerlin take photos at the event. Thank you, Dave! Another thank you goes out to Raffaele Orsini for saying grace before dinner. We would also like to thank Tom Lane for speaking about our two Central Lab retirees, and Danell Andersen for speaking at the event. Thank you, too, to Kim James for helping set up before the party. Thank you to UAW Local 1970 for purchasing the retirees' dinners and for the retirement gifts the union retirees received. Of course, big thank yous go out to Anna Novack, Julie Albright, and Paula Badgerow-Mondro for organizing this event. A great time was had by all!
To view photos from the event, please click on the link below which will take you to the photo album in Google Photos: