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Statement from Local 6000 President Ed Mitchell on Civil Service Rule Changes

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Attention UAW Local 6000 Members:

You may have read in the news media of the proposed civil service rule changes that would impact state employees. UAW International is working closely with UAW Local 6000 staff to access the proposal and respond. UAW Local 6000 is strongly opposed to the rule changes, which will negatively affect our freedom to collectively bargain the terms and conditions of our workplace.

We are asking each and every one of you to be available to attend the Civil Service Commission meeting if these proposed changes should come up for a vote. The earliest meeting would be on Wednesday-September 20, 2017 in Lansing. If these rule changes are adopted, every UAW Local 6000 member will be impacted.

Over the coming days, we will be releasing more information . If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Local at (800) 2431985.

In Solidarity,

Ed Mitchell